12# Iron rules for strong self-esteem

12# Iron rules of strong self-esteem The purpose of this article I came up with these iron rules the other day as a reference guide for myself to remind me of the fundamentals self-esteem. An ‘iron rule’ is a law of power. These iron laws are basically organisational principles to help restructure your thought patterns… Continue reading 12# Iron rules for strong self-esteem

Chronic self-blame & forgiving abusers too rapidly

Introduction + resources to check out  After recently reading Pete Walkers book titled ‘The tao of fully feeling: harvesting forgiveness out of blame’ it really triggered my fascination between the dynamics of ‘healthy blame’ & its opposite by definition ‘healthy forgiveness’. Pete Walker is a masterful author in discussing practical & informative knowledge on c-ptsd… Continue reading Chronic self-blame & forgiving abusers too rapidly